Optionally, you can change this during the deployment process To do so:Log in to Amazon Lightsail.. Obtain SSH credentials from the AWS ConsoleIf you are using the AWS console, you have either created and downloaded an SSH key pair or uploaded one the first time you deployed a server.. In the left navigation bar, click the “Network & Security -> Key Pairs” menu item.
168 1 1 port 22/tcp by default To “ssh into your router”, you can enter the following command in a terminal emulator: ssh root @ 192.. Transferring files to and from a UNIX server (terminal) You may copy files to and from a UNIX/Linux server in the Terminal window as well, using the 'scp' command.. Check the following sections to know where the SSH keys can be created or uploaded on the AWS console:Log in to the AWS Cloud Console.. Click on the link to see the “SSH key pair manager”:Click “Create New” to create a new SSH key pair for your new server:Enter a name for your new SSH key and click “Generate key pair”:OrClick “Upload New” to upload an existing SSH key pair from your computer:Obtain SSH credentials from the Bitnami LaunchpadThe Bitnami Launchpad for AWS Cloud automatically injects an auto-generated public SSH key for the bitnami user and allows the user to download the private SSH key.. (UBUNTU 10 04) I don't have a web access to the server, just ssh If it helps, my OS is Mac OS X and iTerm 2 as a terminal.
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To do so, follow these steps:Browse to the Bitnami Launchpad for AWS Cloud and sign in if required using your Bitnami account.. In the resulting page, you will see a list of the Key Pairs that are already uploaded to the console and available to use when launching an instance.
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Click “Create instance” to launch a new server In the “Create an instance” resulting screen, scroll down until the “OPTIONAL -> Change SSH key pair” section.. The syntax is either Scp filetocopyfrom username@hostname:filetocopyto OpenWrt listens for incoming SSH connections on address 192.. From this screen you can also create a new Key Pair that you can download later:Or import one from your computer:NOTE: If you did not associate a key pair with your AWS server, you will not be able to log in to it.. Windows 10 has a built-in SSH client that you can use in Windows Terminal. Select the “Compute -> EC2” option If required, use the region selector in the top right corner to switch to the region where your instance was launched.. 168 1 1 The first time you ssh into your router, you will probably see a warning about the RSA key fingerprint. 5ebbf469cd